Dongfang STORE Autumn and winter men's polo shirt long sleeve zipper striped shirt Jujube Red
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Dongfang STORE Autumn and winter men's polo shirt long sleeve zipper striped shirt Jujube Red

(47% ಆಫ್)
$10.38 ಕ್ಯಾಶ್‍‌ಬ್ಯಾಕ್ ನಂತರ
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<p>1. Men's Long-sleeved Striped Polo Shirt with Zipper: This polo shirt features a striped pattern with a thick and regular fabric blend. It is made from a comfortable cotton material and has a loose fit. The special craftsmanship of patchwork and splicing adds a unique touch to this shirt. It is suitable for the autumn season and can be worn in both casual and semi-formal occasions.</p><p>2. Stylish and Comfortable Polo Shirt for Men: This striped polo shirt is designed for the autumn season. It is made from a cotton blend fabric that is both thick and lightweight. The loose fit and special craftsmanship of patchwork and splicing give it a unique and trendy look. With its long sleeves and zip-up design, this shirt is perfect for keeping warm and stylish during the cooler months.</p><p>3. Trendy Striped Polo Shirt for Men: Add a touch of sophistication to your wardrobe with this striped polo shirt. Made from a cotton blend fabric, it has a thick and regular texture. The loose fit and special craftsmanship of patchwork and splicing give it a unique and fashionable look. This shirt is perfect for the autumn season, and its long sleeves make it suitable for both casual and formal occasions.</p><p>4. Fashionable Long-sleeved Polo Shirt with Stripes: Elevate your style with this fashionable long-sleeved polo shirt. Featuring a striped pattern and a cotton blend fabric, it combines comfort and style. The loose fit and special craftsmanship of patchwork and splicing add a modern touch to this shirt. It is perfect for the autumn season and can be dressed up or down for various occasions.</p><p>5. Classic Striped Polo Shirt for Men: This classic striped polo shirt is a must-have for the autumn season. Made from a cotton blend fabric, it has a thick and regular texture. The loose fit and special craftsmanship of patchwork and splicing give it a timeless appeal. With its long sleeves and zip-up design, it offers both style and warmth. Suitable for both casual and semi-formal occasions, this shirt is a versatile addition to any wardrobe.</p>
  • ತೂಕ: 1 kg
  • ಎತ್ತರ: 1 IN
  • ಉದ್ದ: 11.8 IN
  • ತೂಕ: 15.7 IN